You or someone in your family is diagnosed with moderate or COPD / ILD and the doctor has prescribed Oxygen Therapy. Oxygen Therapy is simply an external oxygen delivery treatment which might be given every day, all day long or just for sleeping at night. You have made the right decision to buy an oxygen concentrator to do the job. Compared to oxygen cylinders, oxygen concentrators are less expensive in the long run, more convenient and a much safer option.

Investing in an oxygen concentrator should be cost effective in the long run. For this, you will need to spend a little time and buy an oxygen concentrator that is the best for you. We are here to make this process easier for you. Start by asking yourself these questions below:

  • How many hours a day the doctor has prescribed to take oxygen and at what flow rate.
  • Will I be doing a lot of physical activity which involve leaving the house? Do I have any planned trips which require air travel?

Portable vs. Stationery Oxygen Concentrator

Buy oxygen ConcentratorIf you have an active lifestyle that involves going to office, being a part of an exercise regime or you frequently travel by air, you will want to invest in a portable oxygen concentrator. A portable oxygen concentrator is extremely useful for the people who need oxygen supply on the go as they supply more freedom of movement. These devices are generally small, light-weight and have a battery backup. To offer a good battery backup, these devices provide pulse-flow oxygen delivery which mean

A stationery oxygen concentrator would suffice your need if you do not do a lot of travelling and do not require very frequent oxygen supply. If your doctor has recommended you to take oxygen while sleeping, you will need a stationery oxygen concentrator (as it provides continuous flow of oxygen) because people often breathe too shallow to trigger the pulse of a portable oxygen concentrator or do not breathe through their nose at all while sleeping. Buying a stationery oxygen concentrator is much more economical than buying a portable unit.s that it will deliver oxygen only when the patient inhales. Portable oxygen concentrators from AirSep are FAA approved and allowed to be used during air travel.

Machines with different Flow Rate Capacity

While looking for a suitable oxygen concentrator, you will find that these devices come with different flow rate capacities. Brands like AirSep offer a wide variety of Portable Oxygen Concentrators with equivalent to 2LPM setting, 3LPM setting and 5LPM Setting. AirSep Focus is the world’s smallest POC at just 800 grams and delivers pure oxygen equivalent to 2 LPM setting. Patients with higher on-the-go flow rate requirement have option to go for AirSep FreeStyle 5 which delivers pure oxygen upto 5 LPM setting and weighs only 2.8 kgs.

Stationery oxygen concentrators in India come with 5 LPM and 10 LPM capacity. Most of the patients do not need a 10 LPM machine. But, few patients with severe lung condition need higher flow rate and opt for a 10 LPM machine. In India, very few companies offer a 10 LPM oxygen concentrator. AirSep’s NewLife Intensity 10 is the most trusted 10 LPM oxygen concentrator available in India.

All AirSep devices are manufactured in USA and are US FDA approved. Leader Healthcare India is an authorized importer and distributor of AirSep devices in India, also having an authorized service center for all AirSep devices.

Bonus Tips on Buying Oxygen Concentrator

  • Price is not always the best guiding factor. Today, Indian market is flooded with Chinese oxygen concentrators that come very cheap compared to other reputed brands. Problem with these units is that they are not competitive in terms of quality and also do not have any service backup. Taking a conscious decision while buying an oxygen concentrator is important.
  • When buying a portable oxygen concentrator, get a unit with a little higher capacity than what you need. You will end up saving money with this investment than if you would need to buy a better model in the future.

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